Pet and Animal Care Products now available
Pet and Animal Care Range
The last few years have seen a huge increase in the use of natural products to treat domestic animals. Vonnybee pet care is a natural and effective way of looking after your pet’s health and wellbeing.
Superficial infected open skin wound – used propolis spray and the infection went down.
Big Dog open wound – used propolis spray on and the wound healed.
Guinea pig infected vulva – balm cleared up the infection within two days.
Balm used on the surface of the mouth healed open wounds
Puppy with burnt skin from falling into boiling water the owner used the balm and the skin healed. Also the balm soothed the skin.
Bearded Collie had bleeding small wounds on nosed and they didn’t respond to antibiotics, Skin repair balm used and the wounds cleared up in a couple of days.
A pedigree dog with dry cracked skin, she had been to several different practices and used lots of different steroid creams to no avail, and she used the balm and within a couple of days the dogs skin completely cleared.
Kitten – suffering with a viral infection – administered propolis concentrate and there was a significant difference with a couple of days.
Kitten – was lame and lethargic also had visual arthritis – used the concentrate propolis tincture and within two days there was a noticeable different in the kitten.
Benefits of using the products
General overall tonic to build up Immune System
Quick results
Safe for children
Safe for pregnant women
Cost effective
Safe to environment
No side effects
Edible The propolis spray can be used before and after surgery as it cleans the wound and then prevents any infection afterwards
Not surprisingly given its success in treating human disease, Propolis has also been used to treat both farm and domestic animals.
The importance of using propolis in theUSSRfor treating animals was emphasised in a 1978 report from its Ministry of Agriculture on the use of Propolis in veterinary science. In that report Propolis was recommended in various forms – liquid extracts emulsions and ointments – for the treatment of burns, superficial wounds, abscesses, skin diseases and mastitis. It was recommended particularly for young animals with, for example, digestive disturbances or bronchopneumonia.
In 1989 a Chinese delegation to the XXXIInd International Congress of Apiculture reported on work it had done in the veterinary field since they had first been alerted to the use of Propolis at an earlier congress in 1975. They told the Congress that they had conducted many experiments exploring the bacteriostatic potential of Propolis in treating animals. Propolis had been found to be useful in treating domestic animals affected by seventeen different pathogenic species. These included Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus equi, Erysipelotbrix busiopathia, Pasteurelia suispeptica, Pasteurella bovisseptica, Salmonella abortus-equi, Salmonella cholerae Sios. Sa;,pme;;a [I;;prum, Salmonella gallinarum, Bacillus coli, Listerella monocytogenies, Salmonella paratyphi A, Salmonell typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus B. and Shigella Flexner.
One dog breeder in North Yorkshire, England, reported that persistent ear infections common to his particular breed had begun to clear up when treated with Propolis tincture, while eczema, again common in his highly-bred animals, responded quickly to treatment with Propolis cream. Overall fitness of the animals improved and in particular their coats became glossier.
Dental problems are common in cats and can be linked with other health problems, including diabetes mellitus and underlying chronic viral infection. Propolis has been known to improve dental and gum inflammation, whilst also promoting a health glossy coat and adding to the overall wellbeing, immunity and welfare of domestic cats.
Owners of performance animals too are turning to Propolis as a way of improving their fitness and performance. One racehorse trainer in the North of England found that adding a mix of Propolis and pollen to his horses feed meant these sometimes delicate animals were less susceptible to the viruses which are common in racing stables. Animals fed this supplement were less likely to go down with the equine equivalent of our coughs, colds and flu viruses.
Two research projects carried out in 1980 at the Universityof Havanain Cuba, illustrated the anti-parasitic properties of Propolis. In these experiments rabbits were artificially infected with a number of parasites, including the protozoan parasite Elimeria. In one experiment the rabbits were then treated with a two-three percent solution of Propolis administered in their drinking water. Over a period of four weeks the rabbits showed an average of 80 percent reduction in the number of Elimeria occysts excreted.
In a Japanese study in 1990 Propolis was tested on rats artificially infected with the bacteria which cause dental caries. The Propolis was found to have to have both anti-microbial effects and to inhibit the synthesis and destructive activity of sugars involved in dental caries. No toxic effects were observed on the growth of the rats.
The Romanian researchers showed that Propolis as a feed supplement was of marked benefit to poultry. The results were equally dramatic, with pullets putting on more weight than the controls despite eating 14 per cent less food. In parrots it is useful for acute inflammation; post surgical treatment of papilloma and immunostimulation. From an avian aspect, propolis may prove to be a “gift from the Gods” because of its safe anti-viral and anti-bacterial potential. Its beneficial and safe action on the immune system may also prove it to be a valuable prophylactic. After all, prevention is better than cure. Also, because it contains a wide range of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, its possible value as a food supplement cannot be underestimated. Scientific research into the curative properties of propolis seems to be hampered because the substance has a very complicated chemical composition containing more than 160 known constituents which differ greatly due to variation in geographical and botanical origin. Nevertheless, one researcher has shown that caffeic acid phenethyl ester is one constituent which has shown encouraging activity toward tumour cells laboratory tests.
Researchers inMoscowtreated 28 cows with mastitis. The cows were put on a diet and the infected teats treated with a Propolis emulsion. Apart from one case of purulent mastitis the bacterial count in all the cows fell sharply after one or two treatments. What was interesting in this treatment is that milking did not stop during the treatment.
Polish researchers successfully used Propolis to treat mastitis in 146 cows. The treatment was completely successful in 125 cases, including all cases caused by E.Coli, Staphylococci and Streptococci.
Romanian research described the treatment of 12 sheep with serious purulent wounds. After 12 – 14 days the Propolis treatment showed a strong healing effect.
The Uruguayan agricultural researchers used Propolis to treat sheep which, in previous years, had showed a very high incidence of foot rot. They applied Propolis to the feet of 80 adult rams. During the two years when the animals were treated around 20 per cent of the animals showed signs of infection but none of the sheep became clinical cases.
Propolis can be useful in the treatment of:-
Respiratory conditions
Skin disorders
Bacterial/ fungal infections
Parasitic conditions
Weight gain supplement
Reduces diarrhoea
Immune system booster
Digestive disorders