



Propolis is a resinous, sticky gum, whose colour varies from yellow-green to dark brown depending on its source and age.


Propolis is one of the most valuable apicultural products.  First analysis of Propolis was done in 1908 by Dr. Helfenberg ofGermany.


Propolis has a five thousand year history.  A Hebrew word “Kera”, meaning Propolis, is referred to in the Talmud.  Propolis was mentioned in the Bible’s Old Testament.  Mummification was partly Propolis.  Noah’sArk, referred to as Gopher, means product of the hive or glue of the bees.  Little Moses’ box was covered with Propolis.  In the Talmud many prescriptions mention Kera (Propolis).  The word Propolis comes from two Greek words – “pro” meaning before and “polis” meaning city.  Correctly translated Propolis means “defences before a town”.


Propolis also appears indirectly in the Bible.  The “Balm of Gilead” was actually a bee-collected resinous material (that is Propolis ) used in biblical times and is cited in the Old Testament Prophets.  In fact, sung in churches today is a hymn entitled, “Balm of Gilead”, the first two verses of which go as follows:


“There is a balm inGileadthat makes the wounded whole;

There is a balm inGileadthat heals the sin-sick soul”.


Propolis and the Stradivarius


In 2776 BC, Anton Janshan described it as a putty wax.  Amiti, Stradivarius, and Guarneiri varnished their violins with Propolis.




Propolis is used world-wide in thousands of pharmacies, medical offices, human or veterinary medicine clinics.


Propolis is the most important drug used in the beehive because of its anti-bacterial or anti-radiation properties.